Hiring a Nevada Resident Agent is Important for Your Business Corporation
The first thing that you will be required to do upon starting a Nevada corporation is hiring of a registered agent. This is a requirement that is an important part of the formation process, i.e. you won’t be able to form a corporation in Nevada unless the agent isn’t designated prior to starting the… Read More
The Types of Different Corporations and Their Legal Status
To highlight the differences between different types of corporations and their legal statuses, we must first understand what a corporation really is. A corporation is basically an entity that has the authority by the law to act as a distinct person from the shareholders that own it. Generally there are many types of corporations… Read More
Differences Between Flexible Purpose and Benefit Corporations
Back on New Year’s Eve in 2012, Corporation Code Section 2500 et seq. and Section 14600 et seq. created two different business identities, which came to be known as Benefit Corporation and flexible purpose corporation. Both these corporations are allowed to have an organizational structure that encompasses economic benefits and profits along with social… Read More