What Is Nexxus and Why Do I Need It for My Corporation?
Every legal entity has need of an established Nexus (Nevada Office) somewhere or it becomes virtual and is not real, has no real jurisdiction or protection of owners, or in the absence of owners it defaults to who ordered the company with no protection. Therefore, you, or whoever orders the LLC or Corporation will spend money with no protection.
Our Corporate legal team is charged with determining issues such as whether or not Nexus with staffing is required. Corporate America uses several law firms as our legal team with our lead attorney being Deborah Palmer who is also a Judge Pro Tem. This enables us to not only get excellent legal advice but also a view of how a court may see an issue. There is legal precedent of this issue. One of the major precedents came from the Illinois Vs. Oklahoma Tax Commission federal case which all states signed on to.
We appreciate your wanting to save a nickel but feel this is in error to not have Nexus in Nevada or somewhere in the U.S.