IRS EIN Application
Generally, all incorporated business need an EIN and will also have to apply for a new one if the responsible party who applied for the original EIN is removed from ownership of the entity.
IRS EIN Application – Filed $69
Do You Need an EIN?
Generally, all incorporated business need an EIN and will also have to apply for a new one if the responsible party who applied for the original EIN is removed from ownership of the entity. You will need an EIN if one of the following is applicable:
- Started a new business
- Hired or will hire employees, including household employees
- Opened a bank account that requires an EIN for banking purposes
- Changed the legal character or ownership of your organization (for example, you incorporate a sole proprietorship or form a partnership)
- Purchased a going business
- Created a trust
- Created a pension plan as a plan administrator
- Are a foreign person and need an EIN to comply with IRS withholding regulations
- Are a withholding agent for taxes on non-wage income paid to an alien (such as an individual, a corporation, or a partnership)
- Are a state or local agency
- Are a federal government unit or agency
- Formed a corporation
- Formed a partnership
- Administer an estate formed as a result of a person’s death
- Represent an estate that operates a business after the owner’s death.
Below is a list of entities typically requiring and EIN.
- S-Corporations
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Partnerships
- Sole Proprietorships
Note : The IRS allows a single member LLC to have the option of using the single members Social Security Number as the Tax Payer Id as opposed to applying for an EIN unless the new LLC chooses to be taxed as a corporation or S corporation, has employees, or excise tax liability.